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Efficient Future Waste Management: A Learning-Based Approach with Deep Neural Networks for Smart System (LADS)

Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Amity University, Noida 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India
School of Computer Science, FEIT, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, Sydney 2007, Australia
College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Jazan University, Jizan 45142, Saudi Arabia
Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability, Federation University, Churchill 3842, Australia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13(7), 4140;
Submission received: 24 December 2022 / Revised: 15 March 2023 / Accepted: 17 March 2023 / Published: 24 March 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Intelligent Big Data Processing)


Waste segregation, management, transportation, and disposal must be carefully managed to reduce the danger to patients, the public, and risks to the environment’s health and safety. The previous method of monitoring trash in strategically placed garbage bins is a time-consuming and inefficient method that wastes time, human effort, and money, and is also incompatible with smart city needs. So, the goal is to reduce individual decision-making and increase the productivity of the waste categorization process. Using a convolutional neural network (CNN), the study sought to create an image classifier that recognizes items and classifies trash material. This paper provides an overview of trash monitoring methods, garbage disposal strategies, and the technology used in establishing a waste management system. Finally, an efficient system and waste disposal approach is provided that may be employed in the future to improve performance and cost effectiveness. One of the most significant barriers to efficient waste management can now be overcome with the aid of a deep learning technique. The proposed method outperformed the alternative AlexNet, VGG16, and ResNet34 methods.

1. Introduction

Population expansion and rapid urbanization result in larger, more crowded cities, as well as an increasing municipal solid waste output. Every year, sixty-two million tons of debris are produced in India [1,2]. Plastic materials account for 5.6 million tons of garbage. Annually, around 60% of this is recycled. Furthermore, 11.9 million metric tons of the 43 million tons of solid waste generated are recycled. However, although the figures appear to be encouraging, a key issue in the recycling sector is trash categorization prior to recycling or other effluent treatment operations. In the current scenario, technology has been overwhelmed in several domains where the focus is to develop a smart system that can benefit end users at each step. However, new smart bin technology has radically benefitted the recycling industry [3]. Computer vision could offer an inexpensive means of sustainable classification by identifying, classifying, and separating waste from massive dumps of rubbish and junk [3,4,5,6]. Smart city waste management technology, just like various smart technologies often used to improve municipal services, may employ Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to supply public works personnel with relevant information about garbage and recycling containers around the city. The Environment Protection Act of 1986 empowered the federal government to control all types of trash and to address specific concerns that may exist in every region of India. The state administration has the authority under the Act to ensure precautions are taken to safeguard and protect the natural atmosphere. Such efforts include the creation of manuals, rules, or instructions pertaining to pollution prevention, control, or remediation. It can be said that recycling is a vital activity to maintain a healthy and environmentally friendly milieu and has become a necessary component to maintain a sustainable system. However, there is a significant downside to the entire recycling process associated with the selection, classification, and processing of recyclable products. Even though many people nowadays can sort their own garbage, they may find it difficult to decide which waste category is appropriate when it comes to the disposal of various items. Similarly, the recycling industry is thriving in India as residents become more aware of the benefits of utilizing recycled goods to minimize natural resource depletion as well as for reducing landfill waste. People are eager to utilize more recycled items, as well as to participate in helping the environment through the recycling of their garbage [7]. As a result, additional garbage must be diverted to recycling companies, which can only be accomplished by applying efficient segregation. Non-recyclable debris is handled through procedures such as dumping, burning, and plasma gasification only after the waste sorting process [8,9]. This sorting process eliminates elements that, when burned or buried, may degrade the quality of the local water bodies, soil, or air. As a means of disposing of solid waste, we mostly use landfilling and incineration as disposal methods. Hand-picking became impossible as the volume of rubbish expanded in tandem with population growth. Although the Indian government and some organizations have made significant attempts to enhance waste management systems, this remains a major issue in every country, especially in urban areas. In recent times, the trend has emerged to develop autonomous recycling methods, which can be particularly beneficial in today’s technology-driven and information-based society. It can provide both ecological and fiscal benefits for the end users. Additionally, the recycling process has changed the approach to environmental sustainability and forced researchers to devise new methods to determine the most effective techniques. The major cause of the development is the need to ensure that garbage generated at a rapid rate should be dealt with by innovative and automated technologies so the process can become more effective and efficient. Furthermore, the massive bulk of municipal rubbish is not separated at the source and ends up in disposal sites. This is the reason why a more effective approach to differentiating recyclable materials is required which can benefit end users as well. Innovative technology has opened up new areas for researchers and scientists to develop new interventions to ensure sustainable lifestyles at all levels. Researchers all over the world have become interested in developments in the use of deep learning algorithms for tough object identification problems because of the ground-breaking results in object recognition and picture analysis obtained [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]. The deep learning approach can be employed for image analysis in varied domains [18,19,20,21,22,23,24] as well as for other applications, including speech recognition, assessment of visual objects, drug discovery, and genomics [25,26,27,28]. To ensure that the recyclable waste decomposition system supports the garbage separation system to enable reuse, this paper proposes a learning-based approach with deep neural networks for a smart system (LADS). As part of the proposed study, we designed and implemented a model for assessing automated waste segregation management. We designed and developed an image classifier that employs a CNN to automate the entire process, reducing waste segregation time, and increasing profitability. The current approach focuses on developing a simple, low-cost, and accessible trash segregation system for urban homes to streamline waste disposal. The vision is to automate the garbage segregation system and divide it into basic streams, such as wet and dry. The detrimental effects of waste products can be avoided by using an effective waste management system [4,29,30,31,32,33]. The results of the study suggest that separating organic waste from recyclable waste could prove beneficial. This would aid in decreasing resource extraction as well as carbon emissions and energy consumption related to the manufacture of new products. This can benefit the human population significantly [34].
The paper is organized in various sections. Section 2 describes related work while Section 3 presents a brief sketch of the proposed method. The results and discussion are presented in Section 4. The conclusions are provided in Section 5.

2. Related Work

A number of researchers have demonstrated the capabilities of several deep learning algorithms in the identification and categorization of trash for waste segregation [5,21,35,36,37,38]. These methods encompass CNN and MLP as well as Faster R-CNN [5,18,23,37,39,40,41]. Artificial intelligence (AI) using a deep learning approach has changed today’s global market. The approach provides the flexibility to utilize data which can help recognize, remove, and sort objects on a moving conveyer belt [23,42,43]. AlexNet, which succeeded the ImageNet large scale visual recognition challenge (ILSVRC) in 2012, is a highly developed architecture that has been demonstrated to function effectively on most picture datasets. It is often used for trash separation although its proficiency is not comparable to that of other pre-trained models. Pushpaningrum et al. [44] used the OpenCV computer vision library to enhance data and prepare trash photos. TensorFlow was employed as the model training background and a VGG16 convolutional neural network was built using the RELU activation function with the addition of a BN layer to improve the model convergence and recognition accuracy rate [44]. As a result of testing on the test set, the strategy presented exhibited an accuracy of 75.6%. The method proposed was capable of successfully categorizing home rubbish into hazardous garbage, kitchen waste and general garbage. CNN and support vector machine methods were found to be better for trash classification [30]. A ResNet-50 allocation learning model was used due to the limited size of the dataset. The researchers sorted garbage into four categories: glass, paper, plastic, and paper and attained an accuracy of 87% using this method. ResNet-34 is another innovative image categorization model comprised of 34 layers of convolutional neural networks. This is a pre-trained model using the ImageNet dataset, which has 100,000+ images organized into 200 categories [4]. The ResNet-34 network’s substructure is a framework that relies on extensive networking [45]. The leftover construction component uses a shortcut link to bypass the convolutional layers, thereby reducing the problem of gradient disappearance or explosion in neural networks, and enabling the design of CNN structures and enhancement of the identification rate [46]. ResNet consists of four layers with similar behavior and one stage of convolution and pooling. Each layer follows the same pattern. The layers achieve a 3 × 3 convolution with predetermined feature map dimensions (F) of 64, 128, 256 and 512, skipping the insight after every two convolutions. Consequently, the layer’s width (W) and height (H) remain constant [6]. Longo et al. [31] investigated a novel approach to garbage classification for efficient reuse and dumping using a deep learning algorithm. In the Darknet framework, the YOLOv3 approach was utilized to train a self-created dataset. Albawi et al. [39] presented an IoT-enabled smart trash classification and managerial device that detects garbage in dustbins using sensor devices; as soon as they are recognized, the waste compounds are separated using sensors and the information is immediately communicated to a cloud database through the IoT. The debris container included is a vital component of the scheme that autonomously sorts rubbish utilizing the Internet of Things and machine learning technologies [33,47]. The trashcan is tethered to the cloud, which helps with rubbish collection by capturing and transferring data from various points for each bin. Two reiterations of the system are examined, the first of which achieves 75% accuracy in classifying rubbish as wet or dry, and the second of which achieves 90% accuracy in classifying waste into six distinct categories. Phuong et al. [40] proposed an IoT system to improve power-saving in trash management in smart cities.
In terms of commercialized sorting systems utilizing an artificial intelligent technique for classifying recyclable waste, to the best of our knowledge, there is only one system that has been evaluated and published [48]. The system is based on soft robotics and tactile sensing that are used to sort recyclables. The authors of the paper employ a simple linear regression approach to classify the wastes. However, there is no vision sensor in the system, which accounts for the up to 85% accuracy that their classifier can achieve. In contrast, in our work, we exploit the advantages of both vision information and artificial intelligence-based technology, whereby our model can distinguish biodegradable and recyclable material and classify them into distinct categories. Further, to measure the working ability of the LADS model, we employed a classifier, which tends to achieve much higher accuracy than the previous predicted results.

3. The Proposed Method

A learning approach with a deep neural network for Smart systems (LADS) is proposed to develop a more accurate and effective method for classifying waste. The model comprises 12 different layer formations with six Conv2D layers, three MaxPool2D levels, and three dense layers. Every layer performs a substantial task in determining features for image classification. The proposed framework can identify organic waste from recyclable waste and visualize the outcomes for end users. Moreover, the proposed framework architecture is based on deep neural networks and utilizes the concept of smart waste management generating deep models. Furthermore, the performance of the proposed model with our suggested deep neural network was assessed against three models for image classification, segmentation, and recognition, namely AlexNet, ResNet-34, VGG16, and the outcomes evaluated. Each classifier’s adaptability was established via Python 3.8.8 to test its efficiency and to regulate the classifier capable of analyzing the dataset for subsequent information retrieval. To undertake the study and measure the accuracy, we utilized a waste image database to provide us with a dataset comprising nearly 25,077 waste photos divided into two categories: organic and recyclable. The variances in the dataset were reflected in the varying exposure and lighting settings used for each shot. The initial dataset was about 521 megabytes in size, and each image was downsized to 223 × 227 pixels. Varied features, such as edges, corners (interest points), blobs (region of interest points), and ridges were correlated to measure the significant values. The model was then optimized over several epochs to determine the measured accuracy.

3.1. Architecture of LADS

The LADS model is employed for the segregation of waste where each layer operates on a matching API. Keras and TensorFlow are used as interactive modules to train the model, and OpenCV is utilized to analyze images and perform other computer vision tasks. Furthermore, the framework is comprised of three layers, including preprocessing, which is focused on eliminating residuals and discrepancies across datasets. Likewise, the second layer performs feature extraction/parameter optimization, while proper classification of the images occurs in the third layer. The model makes an approximation based on the information obtained from the extracted features. In Figure 1 overall architecture is represented.

Pre-Processing and Data Augmentation

Image pre-processing involves the formulation of pictures for use in model classification and regression tasks. This encompasses resizing, orienting, and color adjustments, among other things. The dataset’s size was boosted by including photographs from Google Photos. As we have used a small dataset in this paper, we needed to expand it to make it suitable for the deep learning approach. Data augmentation can be very useful for this purpose since it generates more images from each picture. Therefore, augmentation methods, such as random re-sized crop and random horizontal flip, are applied here as shown in Figure 2.
Classification is a technique for extracting characteristics from a dataset. This is accomplished by categorizing acquaintances into multiple clusters depending on features. By training it on known data, a novel model is created to predict and classify. The suggested system is comprised of three main modules: pre-processing, imagery augmentation, and the extraction of features. With this technique, the model will be able to capture a more extensive set of ‘features’ than formerly and will be able to forecast pictures much more accurately. Through feature abstraction, the system describes the unlabeled data as precisely as possible. In this study, accompanying techniques were used to enable the VGG16 model to keep the important characteristics of the model elicitation without diminishing recognition performance, while also enhancing the throughput of model training and reducing the time needed to train the model. The RELU function was employed to actuate the VGG 16 structure in the VGG network. The equation is as follows.
f ( x ) = {   x i f   x   0   0 i f   x < 0 ,
where x is the RELU function’s argument, while f(x) is, therefore, the function’s outcome. Throughout the whole of the model training phase, the loss function is applied to compute the discrepancy among the predicted and observed quantities. The cross-entropy loss function is used in the VGG 16 network, which has the given equation
E ( t , y ) = j t j   log y j
where t and y indicate the neural network’s intended label and output data, correspondingly, and the SoftMax loss function is specified by
Y Y j = e z j   / k e z k
Loss function: The total of the squared error loss is employed during training. One of the essential criteria in analyzing the efficacy of the proposed model is the estimation of the value of the loss function. In most cases, the loss function is specified by
L o s s = E r r o r c o o r d + E r r o r I o U + E r r o r c l s .

3.2. Machine Learning Methods

This section describes the whole deep learning system structure for waste prediction. We propose using the CNN algorithm in our project to classify the waste images. CNN is a deep learning approach that uses an input sequence of images to deliver priority (learnable weights and biases) to distinct aspects/objects in the image and to distinguish one from another. When compared with other categorization methods, CNN requires significantly less preprocessing. In primitive procedures, filters are typically hand-engineered; however, CNN can learn these filters/characteristics with adequate training [49].
A CNN design is akin to the connection design of nerve cells in the human brain and was inspired by the arrangement of the visual cortex. Separate neurons merely act in response to stimuli in a narrow section of the area of vision identified as the receptive field. A cascaded CNN network architecture for waste classification into organic and recyclable waste is shown in Figure 3. Pretrained models, including AlexNet, VGG16 and ResNet-34, by comparison with our proposed model, are employed for feature abstraction by applying the transfer learning system for training.
Convolutional layer: A convolutional layer uses filters to extract graphics features. Filters are tiny matrices of the desired dimensions filled with random values. These filters analyze patterns by moving across the input pictures, producing a feature map that is then transferred to the next layer. The capacity to encode higher-level characteristics improves as the number of convolutional layers increases [50].
Pooling layer: In this layer, a window usually of size 2 × 2 is put over the feature map, and the optimum value in the window is determined, while disregarding all other elements. The ReLU function’s output is then dimensioned. The pooling layer employs a max-pooling approach to identify prominent properties significant in the feature maps.
Fully connected layer: This is where the real picture detection and categorization take place. The completely connected layer accumulates the attributes from the preceding layers and employs a backpropagation approach to understand the features’ non-linear functions. The last fully connected layer computes the precision of the classifier using a SoftMax function [51]. The probability for each class adds up to one. The reduced pictures are gathered and merged into a single vector. This vector is compared to the vectors acquired from the training pictures and the image is categorized.
Activation layer: Before proceeding to the next layer, the result of the convolution layer is activated by a ReLU activation function. When compared to the frequently used sigmoid and tanh functions, the ReLU function has the benefit of just engaging non-negative neurons, rendering it even more computationally systematic. The ideal form of input pictures in this work is 224 × 224, with an RGB color palette. The CNN employed in this study has six Conv2D layers, three MaxPool2D levels, and three Dense layers that are all fully linked. In the completely linked layers, ReLU serves as the triggering function. The output layer has a single neuron with values of 0 or 1, where 0 represents the class (‘Organic’) and 1 represents the class (‘Recycled’).

3.3. Prediction of Organic and Recyclable

CNN is designed to learn spatial hierarchies of features automatically and adaptively through backpropagation by using multiple building blocks, such as convolution layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers. The convolutional layer uses filters to extract graphics features that analyze the patterns creating a feature map before passing it to the next layer. The pooling layer employs a max-pooling approach to identify the prominent properties that are significant in the feature maps. The fully connected layer is where the actual prediction and categorization of the waste images takes place.
Performance parameter indices: After building the model, the next step is to appraise its implementation by employing a variety of assessment measures. The measures listed below were used to evaluate performance.
A c c u r a c y = T P + T N T P + T N + F P + F N
where, TP is true positive, TN is true negative, FP is false positive, and FN is false negative.
Precision: This metric signifies in what manner the model assigns positive occurrences to the positive class. Precision is defined as the ratio of true positive to total expected positive values.
P r e c i s i o n = T P T P + F P
Recall: The model’s ability to recognize positive events is measured by recall. As a result, the recall formula is the same as the sensitivity formula. The proportion of true positive values to total positive values is known as recall.
R e c a l l = T P F P + F N
A matrix characterizing the efficacy of a classification model on a test dataset is portrayed by the confusion matrix in Table 1, otherwise known as the error matrix. A confusion matrix may be used to determine the potential of a classifier. The diagonal components all represent appropriately categorized outcomes. The incorrectly classified events are depicted on the confusion matrix off diagonals. As a result, the optimum classifier will also have a confusion matrix just with diagonal members with the others, i.e., set to 0.

4. Results and Discussion

The research concentrates on a CNN model, which is commonly used in image databases. However, exploratory data analysis was conducted by applying CNN with a regression model to modify the data for analysis. The total research process was divided into two stages, the first focused on preprocessing and data analysis, and the second was used to determine the validity of the model as well as the appropriate categorization of the data. Python scripting was used to generate the general framework.

4.1. Data Selection

The selection of data plays a significant role in the retrieval of patterns among the databases. Hence, if the data is not accurately processed then it will manifest with irregular results, which can hamper the prediction-based system. To overcome the above flaws, we designed LADS, which can preempt and configure the data process of the information for future prediction modelling. The fundamental objective of data preprocessing is to remove missing and noisy readings before feeding the data into the algorithm. As a result, if the data contains multiple blank and noisy values, it will almost certainly find certain patterns that are nonsensical. This will bias the analyzed results of the research prediction modeling. Typically, the size of the dataset has a significant effect on the efficiency of any deep learning system. In general, training with a sparse dataset tends to overfit, and a transfer learning technique is employed to address this issue. The repository of the dataset for the transfer learning model was configured and the features suggested were edges, corners (interest points), blobs (region of interest points), and ridges, where each feature was correlated to measure the considerable values. The trash categorization data consisted of about 25,077 waste photos split into two sorts: organic and recyclable. Table 2 shows the number of photographs in each class, whereas Figure 4 shows the same in a pie chart. Table 3 depicts various photos from the input dataset.
In Figure 4, we clearly show that the distribution of data in waste management was categorized into two categories. Organic waste was classified in category 1, while recyclable waste was classified in category 2. Further, in Table 2 the representation of the database was in the format of text.img files. The images included 25,000 features, such as edges, corners (interest points), blobs (regions of interest points), and ridges, each of which measured substantial values.
Additionally, using Table 4, we can compare the performance of the three pretrained models, AlexNet, VGG16 and ResNet34, to our proposed model, and, as a result, we can see that our proposed model has performed very well in categorizing the waste images into their respective categories. In Table 5, the number of neurons and the activation layer function of each layer are presented with flattening and filtering of each image.
Additionally, the study utilized real image databases derived from varied sources, containing real-world complex images. The images included specific features, such as rotten chapattis, electronic waste, used tea bags and other resources, each of which has measured substantial values [52]. Examples of the real-world complex pictures are represented in Figure 5. The batch size of the proposed model was adjusted to 64. The number of epochs was retained at 3, 5, 10, 20, and then 50, Thus, from Table 5, we can substantiate the training accuracy provided by LADS with respect to the epochs run during running the code. Table 6 shows the overall model summary with different layer types and the number of parameters used to train the model.

4.2. Validation and Accuracy of the Model

In the current study, we used Keras as an API for elevated neural networks. Keras is built in Python and can be run on TensorFlow. The sequential model is Keras’s most basic model. It contains a logarithmic array of layers. During the training of the CNN model, we backpropagated data points that were not relevant with one data point, but with a large sample size. Furthermore, the data appears in different dimensions, and we need to generalize it; thus, a third dimension must be introduced so that the data can be restructured for further analysis.
During the training phase, the computer is taught a lot about the data and the labels associated with it. We categorize the data by comparing it to each component in the training set and then transferring the label mostly from the closest training point. During the validation phase, the algorithm will memorize every part of the training set. It will then compare every feature of the validation set to each element of the training data to assess accuracy. The loss precision and validation efficiency were provided for each period. Analyzing the accuracy rate and loss, the complete accuracy for training accuracy was 98.76 percent after 20 epochs; the training loss was relatively low at 0.0413. The validation accuracy was 90%, with a validation loss of 0.70. The training accuracy and loss were evaluated during the training phase. They indicate how efficiently the model performed while being trained on the data. During training, this figure generally increases. Figure 6 depicts the relationship between accuracy and the number of epochs. The pattern in the graphs reveals that efficiency continued to increase in the last few epochs. This suggests that the model might be trained further but is not overfitting.
Figure 7 indicates that the method has comparable performance and that the training phase ends at the earliest epoch if the concurrent plots separate reliably. A confusion matrix is a table that is frequently used to specify the conclusion of a classification model on a testing dataset wherein real analysis is performed. It provides a visualization of an algorithm’s results. Consequently, our model becomes confused with recyclable waste images and classifies them as organic, as shown in Figure 8. The precise prediction of waste quantity and quality is crucial for the design of smart waste management systems. However, given the various qualities and the unpredictability of waste, predicting its volume is a difficult process. Table 7 shows that our model predicted images of organic elements slightly more precisely than those of recyclable elements. Figure 9 shows the image classification performed by our proposed model. We can see that the LADS model appropriately predicted the waste images and segregated them into organic and recyclable.

5. Conclusions

As a result of poor waste segregation and management, a substantial portion of the environment has been adversely affected. When waste management technologies are applied correctly, they make waste management easier. This paper used three pre-trained architectures and compared them to the proposed method, LADS, to separate garbage from recyclables, as well as into two waste classification divisions. Web-scraping was used to eliminate incorrectly classified photos, and it has proven to be effective in designing low-precision algorithms. Consistent with the conclusions of this study, the problem of trash picture sorting may be addressed with high accuracy using deep neural networks. In comparison with the accuracy of the three deep learning models, the suggested model exhibited the greatest accuracy of 94.53 percent. The precision of these other models did not match that of the developed framework. However, these methods can be considered for refinement because their performance was greater than 90%. The item identification technique for trash segmentation used in this study opens the door to successful waste handling and recovery. Nevertheless, the improvement in detection rate, together with extraordinarily high prediction accuracy, leaves room for further investigations. Future studies will concentrate on optimizing outcomes as well as predicting other waste categories in the real world.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, R.C. and S.S.; methodology, R.C. and S.S.; software, S.S. and H.M.; validation, R.C., H.M., L.N. and M.P.; formal analysis, S.S. and H.M.; investigation, R.C., L.N. and M.P.; resources, S.S., H.M. and M.P.; data curation, S.S. and H.M.; writing—original draft preparation, R.C. and S.S.; writing—review and editing, R.C., S.S., H.M., L.N. and M.P.; visualization, H.M., L.N. and M.P.; supervision, R.C., L.N. and M.P.; project administration, R.C. and L.N.; funding acquisition, M.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The dataset is publicly available. (accessed on 16 March 2023).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. The proposed LADS framework.
Figure 1. The proposed LADS framework.
Applsci 13 04140 g001
Figure 2. The suggested CNN model’s architecture.
Figure 2. The suggested CNN model’s architecture.
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Figure 3. Overall design of the deep learning network utilized for prediction and waste classification.
Figure 3. Overall design of the deep learning network utilized for prediction and waste classification.
Applsci 13 04140 g003
Figure 4. Waste image distribution in the dataset.
Figure 4. Waste image distribution in the dataset.
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Figure 5. Representation of images in the real-world scenario.
Figure 5. Representation of images in the real-world scenario.
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Figure 6. Evaluating the proposed CNN model’s accuracy. (a) has epochs = 3, (b) has epochs = 5, (c) has epochs = 10, (d) has epochs = 20, (e) has epoch = 50.
Figure 6. Evaluating the proposed CNN model’s accuracy. (a) has epochs = 3, (b) has epochs = 5, (c) has epochs = 10, (d) has epochs = 20, (e) has epoch = 50.
Applsci 13 04140 g006aApplsci 13 04140 g006b
Figure 7. (a,b) depict the relationship between loss and the number of epochs.
Figure 7. (a,b) depict the relationship between loss and the number of epochs.
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Figure 8. Confusion matrix of the proposed model.
Figure 8. Confusion matrix of the proposed model.
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Figure 9. Prediction in addition to classification.
Figure 9. Prediction in addition to classification.
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Table 1. The confusion matrix.
Table 1. The confusion matrix.
Predicted Class
Class = YesClass = No
Actual ClassClass = YesTrue Positive (TP)False Negative (FN)
Class = NoFalse Positive (FP)True Negative (TN)
Table 2. The amount of waste images included in the dataset.
Table 2. The amount of waste images included in the dataset.
Training Data12,5659999
Testing Data14011112
Table 3. Waste image type in the dataset.
Table 3. Waste image type in the dataset.
Type of WasteInput Image
OrganicApplsci 13 04140 i001Applsci 13 04140 i002Applsci 13 04140 i003
RecyclableApplsci 13 04140 i004Applsci 13 04140 i005Applsci 13 04140 i006
Table 4. Summary of the predictive performance of the pre-trained models, AlexNet, VGG16, and ResNet34, and the proposed method.
Table 4. Summary of the predictive performance of the pre-trained models, AlexNet, VGG16, and ResNet34, and the proposed method.
Model (%)Precision (%)Recall (%)Accuracy (%)
Proposed Method88.794.3794.53
Table 5. No. of epochs with respect to training accuracy.
Table 5. No. of epochs with respect to training accuracy.
DatasetsReal World Datasets
No. of EpochTime ExpendedAccuracyTime ExpendedAccuracy
3722 s 8 s/step0.8953623 s 7 s/step0.8423
5690 s 8 s/step0.9045890 s 10 s/step0.8734
102209 s 25 s/step0.9392801 s 9 s/step0.9407
202161 s 24 s/step0.98751869 s 21 s/step0.9869
502050 s 23 s/step0.94962225 s 25 s/step0.9954
Table 6. Model summary.
Table 6. Model summary.
Layer (Type)Output ShapeNo. Parameter
Cov2d (Conv2D)(None, 222, 222, 32)896
Activation (Activation)(None, 222, 222, 32)0
Max_polling2d (Maxpolling2D)(None, 111, 111, 32)0
conv2d_1 (Conv2D)(None, 109, 109, 64)18,496
Activation_1 (Activation)(None, 109, 109, 64)0
Max_polling2d_1 (Maxpolling2D)(None, 54, 54, 64)0
conv2d_2 (Conv2D)(None, 52, 52, 128)73,856
Activation_2 (Activation)(None, 52, 52, 128)0
Max_polling2d_12 (Maxpolling2D)(None, 26, 26, 128)0
Flatten (flatten)(None, 86,528)0
dense(None, 256)22,151,424
Activation_3 (Activation)(None, 256)0
Dropout (Dropout)(None, 256)0
Dense_1 (Dense) (None, 64)16,448
Activation_4 (Activation)(None, 64)0
Dropout_1 (Dropout)(None, 64)0
Dense_2 (Dense) (None, 2)130
Activation_5 (Activation)(None, 2)0
Total params: 22,261,250. Trainable params: 22,261,250. Non-trainable params: 0.
Table 7. Precision and recall table.
Table 7. Precision and recall table.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Chauhan, R.; Shighra, S.; Madkhali, H.; Nguyen, L.; Prasad, M. Efficient Future Waste Management: A Learning-Based Approach with Deep Neural Networks for Smart System (LADS). Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 4140.

AMA Style

Chauhan R, Shighra S, Madkhali H, Nguyen L, Prasad M. Efficient Future Waste Management: A Learning-Based Approach with Deep Neural Networks for Smart System (LADS). Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(7):4140.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Chauhan, Ritu, Sahil Shighra, Hatim Madkhali, Linh Nguyen, and Mukesh Prasad. 2023. "Efficient Future Waste Management: A Learning-Based Approach with Deep Neural Networks for Smart System (LADS)" Applied Sciences 13, no. 7: 4140.

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